for example, in the birth of venus, the lightest color indicated the relaxation and sleepy while deepened hair revealed the purity. everything is soft and harmonious without abruptness. |
However, art is diversified. many artists try to break through a barrier for the sake of developing their ideal which is belonging to their own style. In consequence, more than half of the 500 publication have been rejected by academy. Therefore government held another exhibition -the Salon des Refusé to reveal the rejected works.
Those outside the academy artists have established the company. They became independent and the avant-garde art is experimental and anti-popular thus it provides adequate room for artists to discuss,share and criticize. Impressionists are no longer concerned about studio lights, lines and perspective. Light and colors are the elements because they believed that color is the only demand to human eye(innocent eye). Hence they like to replace lines with colors and there is no more fixed color of an object since the light changing may shift colors.
Because of misty objects' outline, viewers become the active thinkers to share thoughts in order to interpret the patterns of colored light.
Though impressionists were being criticized that their style is illogical and irregular, it cannot be denied that their unique point of view offer different perception for us to discover the beautiful things which people missed out in daily life. The contents are not limited anymore but we can appreciate the experience of city life in the brushwork.
Another breakthrough has been created by impressionists is that art become a performance. Classical painters tend to conceal the brushwork however they are strongly appeared in impressionism works. Impressionists true to present the effects made during the creative process for the sake of letting viewers to realize it. This influences the art circles that art is not only the medium to express reality but also a way to reveal the world existing in ourselves.