2015年6月29日 星期一


Cubism is not tended to present what the things you have really seen. It has 5 characteristics which the paintings have sharp outlines, monochrome coloring, stronger sense of object and volume, inconsistent shading and geometric elements, that are very unlike impressionism.

Cubists like to use simple geometry to have the combination and rearrangement of body, breast, arms etc. Also, they prefer to display the volume and form by controlling the brightness of few colors. With the help of divergent perspective, the objects seem like closer to viewers and sometimes one art work may include several perspectives to cheat people's eyes. Therefore, some content are artificial and does not make sense. 

Then Picasso developed the negative space which is the room between bodies so that there is no clear boundaries in the painting.

Cubism  is like a language. The sign system may be strange but the flexibility created different transformation and meaning.


Some said surrealism is another field for people to have their true thought which is without any control and common sense. 

Some said perhaps the fantasy and reality have no clear-cut. The unconscious area of mind makes impossible become possible.

No matter how they define, surrealists change people's way of thinking.

Things can be fragmented without logic. Object become ambiguous that you do not know how to state. Scale has been played thus the paintings let you discover the details that you may miss out before.

There are adequate space for mind and subconscious in surrealism.

